Beyond Subsistence Farming Africa in search of Answers from within Bungoma, Kenya (postponed from 12-17 February 2008)
The organisers of the East African Farmers' Dialogue, are sorry to have to announce that due to unrest in their country, The Farmers' Dialogue planned to take place in Bungoma in February 2008 has had to be postponed to a date which will be announced later.
For a long time Africa has largely practised subsistence farming only. The result has been disastrous. With fast growing populations, many African countries have repeatedly experienced hunger and poverty. Relief food supplies have had to be sourced from outside the continent. There are today, however, right across Africa, emerging developments that demonstrate how a continent can be lifted out of poverty. During the conference and farm visits, evidence will be presented showing how this is happening. There will also be discussions on the challenges that lie ahead. We can go beyond subsistence farming.