Centre Kitumani 

Remote Sponsorship Project

The Project

Bukavu is a large city in the DRC, the capital of the South Kivu Province, in the East of the country and on the Congo-Rwanda border. Its population  of mostly women and children is estimated at around one million, of which 60% are living in poverty. Given the successive wars in this region since independence to the present day (1964, 1967, 1996, 1998), Bukavu has many orphans and abandoned children The Remote Sponsorship Project (PPA) - for children in difficult situations - is part of the social services provided by the Centre Kitumani association working for the youth of Bukavu, miserable and abandoned.

Started in August 2016, with regular development since, this project provides an additional class each year, which ensures educational opportunity and student support for a community in need. Since 2002, the Centre Kitumaini has collaborated with Bukavu’s “Friends of Don Beppe” and with San Giacomo d’Imola in Italy. It helps to educate 120 children, distributed as closely as possible in the schools of the 3 communes of Bukavu. Some are currently attending universities. The school created in rural area since 2016 now schools 230 children in 4 classes.


Our Goals

We assist with reintegration of victims of rape, sexual violence, and displacement due to war and poverty. These women, rejected by their families with their children and with their small agricultural activity, can not assume the schooling of their children who find themselves in inactivity, in the street, prey to the recruiters for the armed groups, suffering from malnutrition and exposed to death. 

With educational opportunity and a safe space to learn, these children:

  • Are no longer used as a shield or luggage rack for armed groups or perpetrators.
  • Can learn in an evironment that is safe and supportive.
  • Develop skills and knowledge to improve their communities


Our Need 

Kitumaini is looking for people, whatever their country, who would agree to become “Remote Sponsors” and / or contribute to financing the schooling of one or more children.

Annual cost per child is only 135 €.
Sposor a safe education for a child today!

To avoid bank transfer fees, it is desirable that payments be centralized by country to be transferred globally to Kitumaini.
A specific bank account is open in France for those who wish to participate in this project:

Bank Account: Indivision Bourdin Kitumaini 
Bank: Crédit Agricole de l’Anjou et du Maine
N°: 17906 – 00032 – 96379152349 – 56
IBAN: FR76 1790 6000 3296 3791 5234 956
BIC – Swift:  AGRIFRPP879

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