News and Newsletters

Thursday, 19 December, 2019

For twenty days, fifteen women from several member associations of the Kitumaini Center who work in the field of agriculture will be equipped with skills on empowerment and management of groups.

Thursday, 05 December, 2019

A great podcast and interview with James Potter of the Indga Foundation on changing the practice of "slash and burn"

Thursday, 07 March, 2019

We are calling all members and friends to help support the needs of Farmers’ Dialogue.

Monday, 10 December, 2018

Korean farmers have inspiring experiences to share with the world!

Wednesday, 17 January, 2018

Initiatives of Change (IofC) is pleased to announce the launch of their refreshed brand. The refreshed brand was launched on January 17, 2018, during the 50th anniversary celebration of Initiatives of Change’s centre in India: Asia Plateau in Panchgani.

Monday, 06 November, 2017
Invitation to the Uganda farmers’ dialogue conference 2017

Invitation to the Uganda Farmers' Dialogue Conference 2017

Tuesday, 10 October, 2017
50th year of Asia Plateau and the 10th year of Grampari starts with 350 villagers+150 trainees, volunteers, 10 from Jharkhand  and staff thronging for a day long programme.

When some of our team first visited Asia Plateau in 1966 it was a bare hillside which is now covered in trees and a source of much wildlife. Later, in 2002, some of our colleagues from East Africa came to Asia Plateau to attend an International Farmers’ Dialogue followed by visits to Indian farms, and they were so inspired by what they had seen and heard that they decided to work together to hold similar events in their countries. This programme has since then expanded to involve Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, DR Congo, Mayotte and is reaching out to Southern Sudan and Burundi.

Thursday, 23 March, 2017
Farmers’ Dialogue farm visit in India

This article appeared in the TAA (Tropical Agriculture Association) winter 2016 magazine. As a programme of Initiatives of Change – a global movement of people who are changing the world for the better, starting with themselves – Farmers’ Dialogue is part of a worldwide network of people committed to the task of transforming society through change in the individuals, beginning with themselves.

Friday, 13 January, 2017
The yatris (travellers) were welcomed warmly wherever they went.

Over the years and decades, change has been demanded from people to governments, corporations, media and the other person. The 'Punarutthan Padyatra' or 'March on Foot', which was recently held in Jamshedpur in the state of Jharkhand, India, asked everyone they met along the way one thing, 'Change your country by starting with yourself'. A journey across 12 panchayats (village councils), through three districts, with many villages, covering a total of approximately 350 km. People from all backgrounds and ages were inspired by it.

Thursday, 08 December, 2016
Farmers' Dialogue in Battambang, Cambodia

Final declaration following the Farmers' Dialogue that was held in Battambang, Cambodia, from 26 to 30 November 2016.
