Uganda Farmers’ Dialogue cordially invites you to attend a three days conference with a theme “Increasing food production and Farm Income through Agri-Business and Improved Technology” due to take place from 7th , 8th and 9th December 2017 at Namasuba College of Commerce conference hall, 4 km on Entebbe Road.
This is an occasion for farmers and those involved in the farming world to meet and share experiences as we pursue our calling to ensure that humanity has enough food in the coming years. Many of the challenges we face have an international dimension and involve issues that are putting our planet resources under pressure. We believe that farmers can take a lead in resolving many of the difficulties humanity faces.
Much of the conference will be given to farmers so that they share their success and their difficulties and learn from each other. There will be three farm visits in western Uganda on the third day of the conference. Those who are not farmers can listen and see how to give them adequate support.
Your presence will be greatly appreciated. Please do confirm your attendance through Mr. Richard Otim on or for cost, accommodation and travel arrangements.
Yours faithfully
Hajji Ssebalu Jamil
President Africa Farmers’ Dialogue/ Chairman Uganda Farmers’ Dialogue
TEL: +256772483097