Juliana Kitutu Swai works with 35 farmers groups near Tanga in Tanzania. A number of these groups consist of single women, often alone and poverty stricken, with their children not in school, with inadequate food and without access to healthcare. Her approach is to give each farmer training in dairy cattle management, and then they are given a pregnant heifer on the understanding that the first heifer calf born will be given to another farmer to help them make a new start in life. The teamwork among members in their community helps improve their living conditions. Organized visits to farms and meeting with farmers in north and south from different backgrounds, and with scientists and officials, has enabled them to discover new farming methods. Farmers’ Dialogues have provided valuable assistance. An international group that came to a meeting in Tanzania in 2004 visited two farmers that Juliana was working with. These farmers were very encouraged by the interest shown in their work and as a result redoubled their efforts. Results followed: