You are warmly invited to take part in the 2 sessions of the General Assembly of the Association "Farmers' Dialogue International".
The GA will take place online in 2 sessions, held on 21 and 22 June at 8:00am UTC
Join the Meeting here [1]
Meeting ID: 972 0755 3067
Passcode: 187827
- Welcome and practical points for the GA
- Presentation of accounts and report of activities (attached)
- Vote on accounts and report
- Presentation of the process for elections
- Election of the FDI Chairperson
- Election of the Committee Members
- Discussion on the Future of Farmers’ Dialogue and its implementation
- Election results
- Conclusions, decisions, plans
The GA will deal with the previous 3 years of activity of the association, as there was no GA since February 2021. The GA will also have to elect a new Committee and its Chairperson, as all mandates have ended or end with the GA.
Apart from the mandatory elements of the GA, the 2 sessions will be an important occasion to reflect together about the future of FDI, including the search for human and practical resources for its implementation.
We look forward to seeing you at the GA!
Jean-Pierre Emeriau, Chairman – Pierre Lokeka, Secretary